Turkey Tail Mushroom | Black Magic

Health Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushrooms


Sometimes while on the wild mushroom
hunt we find more than just chaga mushroom.

We recently found this turkey tail hanging out on this stump while hiking through Petroglyph’s provincial park (a sacred Native Indian grounds). 

Turkey Tail is another mushroom, besides Chaga, Reishi, Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps that is packed with antioxidants that work at enhancing the T helper cells in the body to boost the immune system and is widely used in Asian medicine to help treat cancer patients. 

In fact, it’s the best-selling anti-cancer drug on the Japanese market.

Japan is a pretty large market space with many herbs, superfoods, supplements to choose from when undergoing a cancer treatment protocol, so to say that Turkey Tail is numbero uno is significant.

It’s pretty easy to identity turkey tails by their beautiful colour, blue pigmentation’s and vibrance hanging off rotting wood. If you want to be certain you’ve found Turkey Tail, then you need to rub their top side and feel for a velvety soft texture. 

Scientific Classification

Also known by their scientific classification as “Trametes versicolor” – as well as Coriolus versicolor and Polyporus versicolor – it’s a polypore medicinal mushroom found throughout the world.

It’s name translating to ‘of several colours’, versicolor reliably describes this fungus that displays different colors.

If you ever come across lil turkeys, you can consume them as a tea or a tincture! 
Right now at Black Magic, we’re experimenting with a Turkey Tail peppercorn seasoning mix so you can crack organic, non-irradiated peppercorns & mountain salts with your shroomie dose right onto your delicacies!
Talk about convenience and winning in the same sentence.

Health Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushrooms

The most reputable elements that make Turkey Tail mushroom bad-ass for your health are it’s Polysaccharide K (PSK) and polysaccharide-peptide (PSP) which in the 1980’s, the Japanese government accepted as a use in treatment of several types of cancer.

Turkey tail has also been shown to enhance white blood cell (the cells that destroy unwelcome invaders in your body) activity in scavenging toxins and destroying pathogens.

If you know someone today that’s going through a surgery, chemotherapy and radiation “therapy” (because they’re too misinformed to go it naturally), then at least get them taking this radiant medicinal mushroom in a dual extraction form (hot water and alcohol extracted) to offset some of the damaging effects of the drug/surgical routes.


To read the full article inlcuding the sections; Dotrine of Signitures and Blue Pigments, visit our big brother website: The Raw Naked Truth


Steve Parkin
Steve Parkin

Hi Peggy, yes I would get him on a course of chaga and also the edible marijuana in oil form although this will need to be the full spectrum CBD and THC for it to be fully effective, he will need to start with a low dose i.e. grain of rice and build up to half a gram daily, unfortunately this will make him feel quite out of it but this is when the magic happens. My friend has followed this regime and also boosted with massive doses of organic turmeric and vitamin C taken orally, her tumours have shrunk massively and she is now enjoying a better quality of life, I reckon she’ll be in full remission if she keeps it up! Let me know how you get on but get on it asap as time is of the essence, with blessings Steve

Todd Malhmood
Todd Malhmood

Peggy, if he has some cash lying around, I would suggest large amounts of edible marijuana. It has shown efficacy in treating lung cancer and the proper strain could help with

Peggy Heneks
Peggy Heneks

My friend has a rare cancer of his lungs, there I’d NO CURE or anything to even slow it down. He is at Stanford hospital for the 3rd time hoping to get a left lung transplant, the first two were healthy enough. He came for the third try and became so anxious with such hypertension that it caused his heart to overwork and because of his age they declined the surgery transplant, he is now taken off the list and is going to be sent home to die!!! he’s 71 years old and is in perfect health no smoke, no drink, he play golf three times a week, totally fit…. I’m praying that something like this magical mushroom could help 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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