Mosquito Season in Ontario, Hunting for The Chaga Mushrooms That Will Transform Humanity
Something that mushroom hunting has taught us greatly, is how the mind tends to find the nearest available problem, and expand it.
Mushroom hunting requires absurd amounts of resilience, especially when you pair it up with mosquito meditations (our expression for controlling your mind when the bugs are feasting on your living flesh).
The Mobile Mushroom Burning Stove
Something many don't know is that within Chaga mushroom's extraordinary mineral composition are two flammable super minerals; rubidium and cesium.
This is an ancient technique once used by our ancestors to travel with fire, but be careful.. once lit, these mushrooms are difficult to put out 🙊.
We got super innovative and decided to cooked up some fine wild hunted peasant back mushrooms + wild ferns on the mobile smoker and they were everything right in the world.
PS. This new technology doubles as an Instagram profile sexifier.

The Harvest is Complete ..but Where Did All the Mushroom's Go to?
In the picture you'll see some of the mushrooms from our harvesting expeditions; Chaga (duh), Reishi, Red-belted polypore and Turkey Tails. (3 out of 4 of those are medicinal mushrooms).
We didn't find any beaver dams (come on Beaver Dam Dan, we thought you'd be our good luck charm for attracting one) so we instead rinsed them off in Muskoka Lake, Ontario, Canada.
Other mushrooms here went towards Dan's alters, online customers from around North America (Whitby, Ontario to Austin, Texas).
If you haven't yet purchased a Black Magic Chaga Rootbeer Elixir, and were just outrageously curious about how we roll, well thank you. We love you too.
Here's a thank you discount promo code for 7% off of your purchase of a chaga mushroom elixir or wild chaga mushroom powder/pieces.
Type in the promo code: "MRM" to the shopping cart on the product purchase page, claim your discount and indulge in the magic of the forest.
Each dose of the elixir provides a potent dose of antioxidant, trace minerals and enzymatic properties to help sexify skin, open the pineal gland and enhance your immune strength.
You can also add it to cold brew coffee, smoothies, desserts and whatever else you're into.
We appreciate you all very deeply and send gratitude for supporting us on our mission to transform people with the most medicinal substance on planet earth; Chaga.
Stay Shroomie 🍄
~ Shane Tyler Milson & Michael Edward Walsh